Mirror Coated Lenses

Mirror coats are available in a variety of colors.  Red, blue, green, gold, silver and purple are the most common.  Most colors are available in a less dense “flash” version.

Mirror coated lenses are a bold fashion statement while reflecting light away from the eye. Mirror coatings aid in deflecting light on the white sands of the sunny beach, glittering white snowscapes and almost any bright outdoor situation.  In addition, mirrors make your eyes less visible to others.

Mirror coatings are applied to the front surface of the lens only. The full mirror color is most defined and effective when applied to dark sunglass tints.  Dark polarized lenses offer the ultimate combination.  The mirror option may be applied to any material or style of lens.

Flash mirrors are another option for those seeking the mirror look but not quite as flashy as a full density mirror coat. The density of the mirror coating determines how much light is reflected. Flashes are much more subtle that full mirrors.

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